"Marc Heldt, an accomplished Studio Owner, Event Director and esteemed professional in the field of teaching dance, is clearly a leader in the GPDIA,family of certified instructors. As a "Master" certified instructor, Marc is successfully taking West Coast Swing to a completely new level in and around Europe. His ability to inspire and educate students and professionals alike is topped only by his charm and willingness to share his gift of teaching and promoting all styles of dance across the globe." GPDIA Grand Master |
"Die Deutsche West Coast Swing Szene ist noch jung und in ständigem Wachstum. Großen Anteil daran hat auch Marc Heldt mit seinem Team. Mit seinem fachlich fundierten Wissen gestaltet er seinen Unterricht immer lehrreich und unterhaltsam. Vor allem seine Spontanität beschert seinen Schülern abwechslungsreiche Stunden. Auf Parties ist er ein gern gesehener Gast, der meist als letzter die Tanzfläche verlässt. Und zu guter letzt ist er einfach ein cooler Typ und ein guter Freund. " |
"Marc is one of those rare types of people in the swing dance community that is equal parts Party, Business. Dancer, Teacher, Event Director and most importantly a great guy and asset to the world of Swing Dance in Germany" |
"Marc Heldt is an amazing teacher, dancer, event promoter and friend. He takes his dance training seriously by
learning as much as he can, from many world renowned instructors. He seems to have a great balance of continuing to further his knowledge as a teacher, as well obtaining
personal goals in his dance career as a competitor. His dance events are highly organized, and on time. He creates a great balance of professionalism with a friendly
environment. We both highly recommend him in any of these capacities." |
"I appreciate his sincere effort in doing the study work involved in such a great endeavor. I am sure his students will appreciate his knowledge, enthusiasm, and sincerity. " |
"Marc is one of the most influential people in the German WCS community. He runs multiple events and workshop weekends to grow the local community, and is also always striving to enhance his dance. Marc is a great dancer, event director, teacher, and friend, and we both love any time we spend with him!" Maxime Zzaoui and Torri Zzaoui |
"Whether dancing, teaching, promoting or directing events, Marc Heldt is incredibly selfless. In everything he does, his main concern is that the people around him are happy. His students love learning from him, followers love dancing with him, his employees love working for him, and everyone that attends his events has a fantastic time. I am proud to call him my friend, and will happily be a part of any event in which he is involved." |